.. _secure_downloads: Secure Downloads ================ .. warning:: Secure downloads are experimental and the API may change at any time. .. warning:: Server Backends currently only work with files in the local filesystem. .. note:: For the impatient: * set ``FILER_ENABLE_PERMISSIONS`` to ``True`` * include ``filer.server.urls`` in the root ``urls.py`` without a prefix To be able to check permissions on the file downloads, a special view is used. The files are saved in a separate location outside of ``MEDIA_ROOT`` to prevent accidental serving. By default this is a directory called ``smedia`` that is located in the parent directory of ``MEDIA_ROOT``. The smedia directory must **NOT** be served by the webserver directly, because that would bypass the permission checks. To hook up the view ``filer.server.urls`` needs to be included in the root ``urls.py``:: urlpatterns += patterns('', url(r'^', include('filer.server.urls')), ) Files with restricted permissions need to be placed in a secure storage backend. Configure a secure storage backedn in :ref:`FILER_STORAGES` or use the default. .. warning:: The "Permissions disabled" checkbox in the file detail view in Django admin controls in which storage backend the file is saved. In order for it to be protected, this field must not be checked. For images the permissions also extend to all generated thumbnails. By default files with permissions are served directly by the `Django`_ process (using the ``filer.server.backends.default.DefaultServer`` backend). That is acceptable in a development environment, but is very bad for performance and security in production. The private file view will serve the permission-checked media files by delegating to one of its server backends. The ones bundled with django-filer live in ``filer.server.backends`` and it is easy to create new ones. The default is ``filer.server.backends.default.DefaultServer``. It is suitable for development and serves the file directly from django. More suitiable for production are server backends that delegate the actual file serving to an upstream webserver. ``NginxXAccelRedirectServer`` ----------------------------- location: ``filer.server.backends.nginx.NginxXAccelRedirectServer`` nginx docs about this stuff: http://wiki.nginx.org/XSendfile in ``settings.py``:: FILER_SERVERS = { 'private': { 'main': { 'ENGINE': 'filer.server.backends.nginx.NginxXAccelRedirectServer', 'OPTIONS': { 'location': '/path/to/smedia/filer', 'nginx_location': '/nginx_filer_private', }, }, 'thumbnails': { 'ENGINE': 'filer.server.backends.nginx.NginxXAccelRedirectServer', 'OPTIONS': { 'location': '/path/to/smedia/filer_thumbnails', 'nginx_location': '/nginx_filer_private_thumbnails', }, }, }, } ``nginx_location`` is the location directive where nginx "hides" permission-checked files from general access. A fitting nginx configuration might look something like this:: location /nginx_filer_private/ { internal; alias /path/to/smedia/filer_private/; } location /nginx_filer_private_thumbnails/ { internal; alias /path/to/smedia/filer_private_thumbnails/; } .. Note:: make sure you follow the example exactly. Missing trailing slashes and ``alias`` vs. ``root`` have subtle differences that can make your config fail. ``NginxXAccelRedirectServer`` will add the a ``X-Accel-Redirect`` header to the response instead of actually loading and delivering the file itself. The value in the header will be something like ``/nginx_filer_private/2011/03/04/myfile.pdf``. Nginx picks this up and does the actual file delivery while the django backend is free to do other stuff again. ``ApacheXSendfileServer`` ------------------------- location: ``filer.server.backends.xsendfile.ApacheXSendfileServer`` .. Warning:: I have not tested this myself. Any feedback and example configurations are very welcome :-) Once you have ``mod_xsendfile`` installed on your apache server you can configure the settings. in ``settings.py``:: FILER_SERVERS = { 'private': { 'main': { 'ENGINE': 'filer.server.backends.xsendfile.ApacheXSendfileServer', }, 'thumbnails': { 'ENGINE': 'filer.server.backends.xsendfile.ApacheXSendfileServer', }, }, } in your apache configuration:: XSendFilePath /path/to/smedia/ ``XSendFilePath`` is a whitelist for directories where apache will serve files from. .. _Django: http://djangoproject.com